IWD forum at htc

Join others at
7 pm on
March 16th at the Harriet Tubman Center for a great lineup of women activists and leaders in the struggle!
Open discussion and all are welcome!

2nd & 4th monday each month

Next mtg is March 10th @ 7 pm
John Parker will give a presentation on why supporting Ukraine doesn't fit in an anti-imperialist agenda.

HYBRID EVENT - Attend in person or log on using the link : http://tiny.cc/HonorMalcolmX

There's no better way to mark Black History Month, than listening to speakers and participating in a discussion of Malcolm X. We hope you'll join us at this important forum. Drinks and refreshments available. Enter at rear of building through the parking lot. Donations accepted at door, but no one turned away due to lack of funds. 

Come together for Valentines Day at the HTC, 5278 W Pico Blvd, LA. 

We would love to see you! 

Doors at 7pm, Film 7:30pm

Political Updates and discussion will follow this wonderful movie.

Our February Activist meetings will be Feb 10 & 24 at 7pm at our Center, 5278 W Pico Blvd, LA. Join us, what's next - standing together - when we fight - we win!

Movie Night @ HTC
Friday, December 13th
Doors Open @ 7
Show Starts @ 7:30

Rudy Pisani Memorial - Dec 15th @ 1 pm

A Life Well Lived

Join us to celebrate the phenomenon that was Rudy Pisani.
Rudy, a much beloved activist in the anti-imperialist and socialist movement lived to the age of 94. During his long, but not long enough, life he stood shoulder to shoulder with the oppressed of our working class. Rudy, a most dedicated communist, was entirely committed to international solidarity and building a workers movement here in the belly of the beast to realize a democratic and just society.

Rudy Pisani - A Life Well Lived

Sunday, December 15th @ 1pm
Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice
5278 W Pico Blvd Los Angeles

Call or text for info or to volunteer to help: 323-304-1185

book launch at Harriet Tubman center

HTC is proud to host a public meeting/booklaunch organized by Socialist Unity Party featuring contributing authors and experts on the rapidly developing US war drive against China. Please join us!

public screening at HTC!

Join us on Friday, Nov 8 for a screening of this important and timely film!

We hope you can join us for this very important November 2nd event at the Harriet Tubman Center. 

There is ample street parking and there will be  refreshments available. 

We'll accept donations at the door, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds. 

Please use this link to register so that we have an idea of how many people to expect. 


For more information please call us at 323 306-6240 or email info@harriettubmancenterla.com

9/28 Film Screening: "The Revolution Will not be Televised"

Sat, Sept 28, 6pm to 9pm          5278 W Pico Blvd, LA
In April 2002, the democratically-elected Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez, faces a coup d'état by an American-backed opposition party. The two-day coup fails to topple Chávez, fortunately there were two Irish filmmakers who happen to be making a documentary about Chavez as the coup erupts. They capture footage of the massive opposition and pro-Chavez crowds, inside and outside the Presidential Palace - it's a nail-biter!


William Camacaro, Venezuelan-American, is the national co-coordinator of the

Alliance for Global Justice. Camacaro is in Venezuela now, he will give

an update on the 2024 Maduro Election and current situation in Venezuela.


Citibank - complicit in Gaza genocide!


Sat, Sept 21, 11am 

@ Citibank

3530 Wilshire Blvd LA (@Irolo)

Volunteers are needed to help spread the word via phone calls, or handing out flyers and putting up posters. Navigate using the menu bars at top left to volunteer, to endorse as an individual or on behalf of your organization,or to make a contribution to Harriet Tubman Center.

 Citibank loaned Israel $2.5 billion to buy F-35 fighter jets

The F-35s and other deadly weapons have destroyed Gaza's healthcare system. There are no functioning hospitals left. The Isreali Offence Forces are blocking medical aid and food deliveries, targeting healthcare workers and journalists, bombing refugee centers and apartment buildings. The White House occasionally 'warns' Netanyahu to protect innocent lives but this is all for show. The steady flow of weapons shows that the US and multi-national banks and corporations are complicit in the genocide.

Other corporations with Palestinian blood on their hands:
BNP Paribas, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Capital One, and BMO lend funds for armed drones
Barclays owns shares in and lends billions to nine weapons makers supplying the genocide
Amazon's cloud services store massive amounts of data used in the genocide
Google provides surveillance equipment for the slaughter of Palestinian children, women and men 

Join us on Sept 21 to protest the US / Israeli genocide and all the war criminals